Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You don't want to read this article.

And I probably _shouldn't_ have.

But once I started, I couldn't _stop_.

It's not the reading, so much as the pictures.

It's an io9 article about Krokodil (prevalent in Russia), a commonly home-synthesized, cheap, heroin-like drug that, when made not in a lab, tends to be made wrong due to the individual not having all the necessary components.  It can still be made to have heroin-like effects, but which last only about an hour.  Which puts addicts into a loop of making the drug and taking it over and over again all day.  

And the problem with the home-brewed version is that it pretty quickly turns your skin green and scaly before rotting your skin off to expose bone and muscle tissue.  

The information on the drug and phenomenon, while morbid and horrible, was pretty fascinating.  And the first picture down the page is pretty terrifying and gross, but you sort of adjust and feel proud that you could deal with the effects.  

But the final picture on the page is what sanity loss is made of.  And, while it was intensely horrible, you sort of can't look away.  You're drawn to look at the details while convinced one more second will render you insane.

So I'm not telling you to look, but if you do, expect to never be able to scrub your brain of the sight.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The "New Look" is the New Black

I would like Google to go fuck itself.  

... ... ...

Let's start again.

I _love_ Google, and I have a supporter for a long time; I'm still a dedicated worshiper.

But _please_ stop forcing "new looks" that are ugly, unnecessary, and counter-intuitive (to the point of taking intuitive buttons of words like "archive" and "spam" and instead changing them to pictures that I completely miss even being there and which do nothing to tell me what action they perform), 


Just give me my damn choice back to have things the way I want them.  Let people use whichever design they want.  Then make all the damn changes you want to a design I'll never see for more than two minutes, at which point I'll promptly switch back to the "old look".  Everybody wins.


< /grump>