Friday, November 4, 2011

The "New Look" is the New Black

I would like Google to go fuck itself.  

... ... ...

Let's start again.

I _love_ Google, and I have a supporter for a long time; I'm still a dedicated worshiper.

But _please_ stop forcing "new looks" that are ugly, unnecessary, and counter-intuitive (to the point of taking intuitive buttons of words like "archive" and "spam" and instead changing them to pictures that I completely miss even being there and which do nothing to tell me what action they perform), 


Just give me my damn choice back to have things the way I want them.  Let people use whichever design they want.  Then make all the damn changes you want to a design I'll never see for more than two minutes, at which point I'll promptly switch back to the "old look".  Everybody wins.


< /grump>

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